Giving Opportunities

Giving Opportunities

At Hope, we believe in the power of community and the impact of generosity. Our mission is to provide services and supports, requested and designed by individuals and families who experience disabilities, resulting in choice, control, family preservation and community inclusion. We achieve this through a variety of specialized programs and initiatives designed to meet the unique needs of the individuals and families we serve.

Your contributions are essential in helping us continue this work. By supporting our different giving opportunities, you can make a significant and meaningful difference in the lives of many Alaskans. Whether it's supporting affordable housing, providing opportunities to participate in educational and recreational activities, securing the future with our endowment fund, spreading joy through our community activities, or supporting financial aid opportunities, each donation plays a crucial role.

Explore the various ways you can support our mission and find the giving opportunity that resonates with you. Together, we will create a brighter, more inclusive future for everyone.