Monthly Giving

Join our monthly giving program and help someone experience hope

Since 1968, Hope Community Resources has been pursuing a mission of improving the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, traumatic brain injuries and mental health challenges. Our mission of support is based on an individualized approach, believing that each person has unique needs and must be the chief architect of their own service delivery plan. As a result, our community supports are as diversified and personalized as the hopes and dreams of each person. Your generous support makes it possible for us to continue helping Alaskans who experience disabilities live meaningful lives.

Enroll in our monthly giving program, and your donation will provide vital resources to ensure individuals and their families have an opportunity to experience hope. All donors are recognized for their contributions in our annual 'Gratitude Report,' published in the fall each year.

Annual Donation Tiers
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Up to $100

Every donation, no matter the size, makes a meaningful impact. Your support helps provide vital resources and opportunities for individuals and families.

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$100 - $999

Your contribution will aid in funding specific activities and supplies that enhance the lives of the people who choose our services.

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$1,000 - $2,499

Your support will make a substantial difference, providing necessary resources for our day-to-day operations and special projects.

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$2,500 - $4,999

Your generosity will support essential programs, helping us to offer high-quality, individualized services to those we serve.

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$5,000 - $14,999

Your donation will help fund major initiatives and provide vital support for our core services, ensuring sustainability and growth.

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$15,000 and higher

Your contribution will have a transformative impact, allowing us to significantly expand our programs and services, reaching more individuals and families in need.



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Optional. Write a personal note to the recipient.

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