Hope Disco Gala


Hope Disco Ball: A Gala Event

Save the Date: September 21, 2024
Dena'ina Civic Center, Anchorage

Hope's 55th Anniversary Gala logo - a green ribbon with an emerald stone in the middle, and a gold '55' and green 'years of Hope' below it

Radical Event Details
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2024
Time: 6:00pm – 9:30pm AKT
Location: Dena'ina Civic Center, 600 W 7th Ave, Anchorage, AK 99501
Admission Ticket Price: $125 each / $1,175 for table of 10
Sponsorship and donation options available


Groovy Highlights of the Evening

Get ready to boogie at our Disco Gala and enjoy a night of groovy tunes, mellow décor, and funky fun as we celebrate and support our community in true disco style.

Our gala event thrives to the max on the support and generosity of our community. This year, we’re excited to present a disco-themed evening, featuring dinner, ways to support your fellow Alaskans who experience disabilities, and opportunities to connect with community members who share a passion for making a positive impact. The highlight will be the live and silent auctions; with everything from unique experiences and one-of-a-kind art pieces to themed baskets, there will be something for everyone to bid on.


Far-Out Ways to Support Hope

There are several far-out ways you can support Hope and contribute to the success of our gala event. Show your support for Hope’s mission and help us achieve our fundraising goals by sponsoring the event or donating to the auction. Donate in-kind items to the auction to add to the exciting array of bidding opportunities. Or join us at the event by purchasing individual seats, or take advantage of a discount when you purchase a table.

Your generosity will make a vibrant impact in the lives of people who experience disabilities in our community. All proceeds from the evening, including ticket sales, funds raised, sponsorships, and auction proceeds, will go toward funding Hope's unfunded programs, supports, and services that give people opportunities to live full, meaningful lives.


Get your Tickets to the Discotheque

Mark your calendars for the 21st night of September, 2024, don your grooviest bell bottoms, platform shoes, afros, and shiny suits, and bring your good vibes to Hope's Disco Gala. Purchase tickets to the event, secure a sponsorship, make a donation, and more below.


Buy Tickets Sponsor the Event Donate Volunteer Contact Us


Enjoy these photos from past auctions!



Thank You
to our Generous Sponsors



Interested in becoming a sponsor?

Become a sponsor of Hope's Disco Gala and support Alaskans with disabilities. Each year, more than 250 attendees gather to raise funds and awareness to support Hope’s essential programs and services for people who experience disabilities, ensuring that our support recipients and their families have the tools and opportunities to pursue full and meaningful lives. Your sponsorship directly impacts your neighbors, friends and family, from Anchorage to Kodiak to Utqiagvik.


Sponsorship Levels
  • Includes two VIP tables with seating for 10 (each) at the event
  • Signage acknowledging your contribution prominently displayed at the event
  • Logo displayed on all event marketing, social media, and Hope’s website
  • Opportunity to place a banner or sign at the auction entrance
  • Highlighted as a major sponsor in Hope’s community newsletter and Annual Report
  • Full page (7.5 x 10), full color ad on the inside cover of the event program (ads due by 9/1/2024)
  • Includes one VIP table with seating for 10 at the event
  • Signage acknowledging your contribution prominently displayed at the event
  • Logo displayed on all event marketing, social media, and Hope’s website
  • Highlighted as a major sponsor in Hope’s community newsletter and Annual Report
  • Full page (7.5 x 10), full color ad on the back inside cover of the event program (ads due by 9/1/2024)
  • Acknowledgement of your contribution at the event
  • Logo displayed on all event marketing, social media, and Hope’s website
  • Highlighted as a sponsor in Hope’s community newsletter and Annual Report
  • Half page (7.5 x 4.5), black and white ad in the event program (ads due by 9/1/2024)
  • Logo displayed on all bidder cards, used by more than 250 participants
  • Highlighted as a sponsor in Hope’s Annual Report and newsletters
  • Half page (7.5 x 4.5), black and white ad in the event program (ads due by 9/1/2024)
  • Reserved table with preferred seating for 10 at the event
  • Acknowledgement of your contribution at the event and in the event program
  • Listed as a sponsor in Hope’s Annual Report and newsletters
  • Quarter page (3.75 x 2.25) ad in the event program (ads due by 9/1/2024)
  • Support Hope Community Resources and display your company name and logo to all event participants. Prices based on black and white ads on an 8.5 x 11 page. All ads are due by 9/1/2024.

    • $200 - Full page (7.5 x 10)
    • $150 - Half page (7.5 x 4.5)
    • $100 - Quarter page (3.75 x 2.25)


Become a Sponsor